A language space for creativity, deep thinking and community


Hey, I’m Emily…

I’m a tiny and colourful polyglot, and I’m here to support creative and unconventional language learners to carve your own path in your language learning. Through podcasting, coaching, and public speaking, I’ll help you learn your language in a way that honours who you are and what really matters to you.

I have a degree in Modern Languages and Linguistics from the University of Oxford and an MA in Applied Linguistics, specialising in Language, Mind and Brain, and 8 years of experience teaching English, French, Spanish and beginner Mandarin. I’m also fluent in Portuguese. I spend a lot of time exploring how we can use philosophy, literature and psychology to help us be more creative, deal with uncertainty, and be the most “us” we can be. I also love tea and watercolour, and I love to chat, so come and say hi!


Featured In…

Here's what I Believe:

  • That you are a whole person learning a language, and you can design your whole process to reflect that

  • That you don’t need language superpowers. You have everything you need right now to learn your language successfully

  • That you are in a better position than anyone else to know what you need and to be your own best teacher (even if you already have a teacher!)

  • That the biggest thing holding us back is all the voices in our heads telling us we can’t

  • That language learning becomes meaningful when it aligns with our
    deepest values and our loftiest life goals

About the Community

Language learning doesn’t have to be lonely. Come and join our vibrant community of language lovers, creators and all-round lovely people at the intersection of language, linguistics, psychology and self-development. Here’s what we get up to:

  • We get stuff done and cheer each other on in our Monday Creative Space on Zoom

  • Ask me your language learning, productivity, and creativity questions in our exclusive Q&A livestream

  • We meet other ambitious, creative, and mission-driven language learners in our members-only Facebook group

  • We chat over tea and hang out with other like-minded people in our monthly Zoom hangout

How can I support you in your language learning?

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